When to Smoke a Pipe?

When to Smoke a Pipe?

When to Smoke a Pipe?


"When to smoke a pipe?" 

It may seem like a trivial question, but it actually offers some interesting, and sometimes even amusing, insights. 

Among the many enthusiasts of slow smoking, the renowned pipe smoking popularizer Eppe Ramazzotti shared over the years a series of humorous and original tips on the best moments to enjoy a tobacco pipe. 

These aren’t strict rules to follow, but rather reflections that might bring a smile and inspire pipe smokers to carve out moments of relaxation.

Clearly, some moments are more suitable than others, and below we’ll explore those that Eppe Ramazzotti deemed to be ideal.


When to Smoke a Pipe: Morning


In truth, any moment or place is suitable for smoking a pipe, except while eating, sleeping, or swimming. 

But the first smoke of the day, what we might call a true "inaugural puff", has a certain solemnity as it marks the beginning of a new day. 

Pairing it with a good coffee or breakfast is a simple yet deeply satisfying pleasure.

It’s especially enjoyable in the countryside, while strolling through the woods, but it’s equally delightful indoors or along the city streets. 

For this morning smoke, it’s recommended to choose a lighter pipe tobacco, milder than the ones you might smoke later in the day or evening. Naturally, the final choice depends on personal preference.


When to Smoke a Pipe: Afternoon


After lunch, whether it’s a light meal or a feast, a tobacco pipe can be the perfect way to conclude the meal and prepare for the afternoon ahead. 

A smoke helps regain focus and settle into the rhythm of the day.

During holidays or leisurely days, pipe smoking opportunities can increase, offering moments of relaxation in an armchair with a good book, or under the cool shade of a tree. 

However, it’s a mistake to think that pipe smoking is only suited for rest and idleness. It can also be an excellent companion during tasks that require focus or creativity, such as studying or light manual or intellectual work.


When to Smoke a Pipe: Evening


Evening, in my opinion, is when the tobacco pipe truly shines. It’s the perfect time to select your most aromatic tobaccos and indulge in a long, relaxing smoke that brings the day to a peaceful close.

If you’re happily married, an evening tobacco pipe can enhance moments of family intimacy, perhaps with a glass of good wine, surrounded by your loved ones. 

If, on the other hand, you have the fortune of being single, the tobacco pipe will still be a faithful companion, making solitary evenings equally enjoyable and reflective.

For the evening, I recommend a strong or very strong tobacco. If you’ve never tried it, consider crumbled Toscano cigars (here’s our in-depth guide), perfect for adding character to your smoke. 

Of course, if your spouse doesn’t appreciate the aroma, you might consider smoking outdoors or opting for a milder blend.

Can you smoke a pipe in bed? Absolutely, if it pleases you. 

But if you’re not alone, it might not be the most appreciated choice by your companion. In such cases, it’s better to save the smoke for another time of the day!


Source: Introduzione alla Pipa, Eppe Ramazzotti, Aldo Martello Editore, 1967


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