Straight tobacco pipe or Curved tobacco pipe: which one to choose?
When choosing a tobacco pipe, one of the first decisions to make concerns the shape: straight tobacco pipe or curved tobacco pipe?
Although they may seem like purely aesthetic differences, the shape of the pipe greatly affects the smoking experience.
In this article we will explore the characteristics of straight and curved tobacco pipes, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of both to help you choose the tobacco pipe that suits your style and smoking needs.
Straight tobacco pipe: pros and cons
A straight tobacco pipe is more practical and suitable for a beginner because it is easier to clean and less prone to condensation, which prevents you from smoking properly.
The draw is easier than with curved tobacco pipes, and cleaning is easy.
Very rarely does a straight tobacco pipe create condensation because the smoke path is linear and contains no bends.
The only real disadvantage is that it cannot be held in the mouth without hand support, because all the weight rests on the teeth.
A straight Castello pipe
Curved tobacco pipe: pros and cons
The first advantage of curved tobacco pipes (especially Full Bent pipes) is better balance than straight tobacco pipes; in fact, it is possible to hold them between the teeth effortlessly, the more pronounced the curve.
The disadvantage lies in the greater propensity for the formation of condensation. This phenomenon is not caused by the salivary secretions of the smoker, but by the abrupt curvature that the smoke encounters on its way.
This tendency is accentuated in those tobacco pipes with the smoke duct not positioned at the bottom of the stove or that tend to widen a lot.
When gases expand at a larger diameter, immediate cooling ensues, which causes condensation into small droplets.
This can also result in a sort of gurgling sound, which can be interrupted by blowing vigorously into the mouthpiece.
The fact that a curved tobacco pipe creates condensation more easily is not necessarily a problem-the important thing is to avoid smoking it too many times a day. Also, frequent and thorough cleaning is very helpful in getting around this small problem.
Curved tobacco pipes, then, tend to offer cooler smokes. There are tobacco pipes, on all the Calabash and Calabash Reverse, that purposely feature a larger expansion chamber to cool the smoke and make it less harsh.
Then there is the opinion among smokers that the straight tobacco pipe is more pleasant in hot seasons, while the curved tobacco pipe in cold ones.
This is probably because the tobacco curved pipe, being all gathered in the palm of the hand, would warm it up. But also from the tendency in cold climate countries to prefer curved pipes.
Actually this thought is part of the collective imagination, but there is no real advantage in choosing one or the other in a particular season.
Finally, another common idea is that curved tobacco pipes are better with particularly full-bodied tobaccos.
Not least because it seems that Italian tobaccos, such as Forte and Comune, which more easily burn the tongue, do best in curved tobacco pipes.
This could also explain the fact that curved tobacco pipes were more popular in the past, as there were no complex blends then as there are today, which are perhaps best appreciated with straight tobacco pipes.
Added to this is the fact that curved tobacco pipes better tolerate the dryness of tobacco, precisely because of their propensity to moisten. After the first few smokes, the stove soon becomes less dry.
It is therefore easier to obtain satisfactory smokes even with the last remnants of the pouch or tin of tobacco.
A curved Santambrogio pipe
Straight tobacco pipe or curved tobacco pipe: conclusions
A curved tobacco pipe is certainly more appreciable when one has more time to devote to smoking.
Added to this, curved tobacco pipes often have a larger stove, so they tend to offer longer smokes than straight tobacco pipes.
The straight tobacco pipe, for its part, is more manageable, versatile, suitable for all environments and less prone to condensation. So it also lends itself better to a greater amount of daily smoking.
The important thing is to know that straight and curved can offer new, even different sensations for each tobacco pipe of the same type.
To benefit from the advantages of a curved tobacco pipe or a straight tobacco pipe, but without also having their disadvantages, we recommend that you opt for a semi-curved shape.
A semicurved Mastro Geppetto pipe
Straight tobacco pipe or curved tobacco pipe: Video
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