Peterson Nightcap

Peterson Nightcap

Composition: Latakia, Virginia, Orientals and Perique.

Cut: Ribbon

Price range: Medium


Peterson Nightcap


The Peterson Nightcap will always have a place in my heart, because I fell in love with it early in my smoking “career.” There were few pipe tobaccos on the market at that time, and this was one of those that was easily available.

We are talking about a pipe tobacco that was very popular all over the world and that, until 2019, had another name: Dunhill Nightcap


Photo of ex-Dunhill Nightcap


This change did not affect the producer, who remained Skandinavik.

Dunhill had conceived this blend for the last smoke of the day, perhaps after a big meal. Not surprisingly, it is a very satisfying and relaxing blend, which, when accompanied by a good peat whiskey, can certainly promote a restful sleep.

The Peterson Nightcap is a slightly spicy blend due to the presence of Latakia and Perique, with the Virginia adding that little touch of sweetness to blend the various components.

The aroma is rich, while body and intensity are not to be underestimated. It releases notes of peat, oak, but also light hints of red fruit.

All in all, Nightcap is an excellent English Mixture, much appreciated by those who prefer blends with Latakia as the protagonist. It is not a tobacco I would recommend to newcomers (it is still very rich in aromas and medium to high intensity), but to experts and regular smokers.

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By Dario 10/01/2024 23:47:03

Concordo e fumandola in riva al mare l'umido l'arrichisce