How to clean the tobacco pipe rim

How to clean the tobacco pipe rim

With smoking and the passage of time, the tobacco pipe rim may blacken and lose its original appearance.

If you want to keep your tobacco pipe looking perfect at all times, without the signs of aging, read this article and find out how to clean the tobacco pipe rim.


Methods to clean the tobacco pipe rim


Cleaning the tobacco pipe rim is not a “required step” in the care of your tobacco pipe, but it can be useful if you want to see it always in excellent condition and free of blackening from smoking.

Over the years, several methods of cleaning it have been proposed, so we will review a few of them so that you can get clarity on their actual effectiveness.


Method 1: Using isopropyl alcohol


You should never use alcohol to clean the tobacco pipe rim mainly for two reasons.

The first (and most important) is that alcohol closes the “pores” of the tobacco pipe, leading it to overheat more easily over time. You practically impair its ability to dissipate heat, so it will create more condensation and smokes will taste unpleasant.

The other reason is aesthetic, because alcohol dulls the tobacco pipe and erases its color.


Method 2: Using a tobacco pipe brush


Using a tobacco pipe brush to clean the rim is a good method. By rubbing on the rim, it should be easily cleaned.

Ideally, it should be used in conjunction with a polishing wax so as to restore its shine.

Another method is to use absorbent cotton together with olive oil, although it will have a less incisive action than the brush.

We are talking about two methods suitable for cleaning a smooth tobacco pipe, because with a rusticated or a sandblasted one, cleaning becomes really complex. 


Method 3: Using baking soda


Using baking soda is absolutely not recommended to avoid ruining the briar of the tobacco pipe, because it will inevitably etch it.


Precautions to take


There are no special precautions to be taken in cleaning the rim, except to wrap the tobacco pipe in a soft cloth, leaving the rim uncovered.

This avoids touching the tobacco pipe with dirty hands or including the rest of the stove in the cleaning.

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