Nording Pipe

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€60.00 - €90.00

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0 mm - 15 mm

Eric Nording tobacco pipes: the Danish style that made the world fall in love

Eric Nørding has his home and factory just outside Copenhagen, Denmark, where he has lived and worked since 1963. He has always been a creative personality and a tireless worker, putting body and soul into his creations. In all his endeavors, he strives to excel: "I enjoy everything I do," he says. "I live hard, play hard and work hard."

Many Danish pipe-makers who are famous today learned in his workshop.

Eric Nørding, after taking over the historic Kriswill factory and machinery, also took over Peterson, the Irish pipe factory, before it was transferred from the Isle of Man to Ireland and administered it for 5 years.

Come and discover the most iconic Nording pipe models on Pipeonline

Discover Nording's iconic models and his reinterpretation of Poker, with a metal stem and a briar pipe chimney, giving the characteristic look of his style and his vision of the world of tobacco pipes.
Come and explore the Pipeonline catalog and find the most iconic Nording pipe models. Discover the Compass and Compass Sailor collections to try an iconic model that has made the history of world tobacco pipes. Let yourself be enchanted by Danish quality and add a singular model to your collection that will add character and elegance to your tobacco pipes.

Discover Nording tobacco pipes and its singular creator

Come and discover the work of one of the most creative and singular pipemakers. In fact, Eric Nording has always been a person who lived his passions and his life to the full. His tobacco pipes are also a reflection of this.

Perhaps the most famous of his unusual achievements is the gigantic Nørding pipe fashioned by assembling hundreds of other tobacco pipes and mouthpieces. This pipe has been displayed in several public places, including Copenhagen Airport, and has been named the largest pipe in the world in the Guinness Book of Records.

This is just another example of Erik's tireless creativity.