Neerup P. Jeppesen Pipe

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€135.00 - €240.00

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0 mm - 15 mm

After having been working for and with Karl Erik and Erik Nørding for more than 20 years, Neerup pipes was establissed in 2000 by Peder Jeppesen. The Neerup workshop is today builded up as a all rounded and modernized pipe craft workshop, and a family drifted company, where all pipes are fully designed, crafted and worked out by Peder Jeppesen and his son Christian Noah Jeppesen and definitely not to forget the boss for it all, Peders wife, Bettina Jeppesen, she takes care of the office, costumer contacts, and the shipping of pipes worldwide, often assisted by the doughter of the house Ida Jeppesen.

Pipe Jeppesen: high quality Danish pipes

Jeppesen pipes are the product of an extraordinary pipemaker. His name as a pipe maker is Neerup, it is a stage name that derives from an ancient family name that accompanied him for 25 years of his career, leading him to work with the greats of this sector such as Erik Ottendahl and Erik Nording from whom he managed to learn the secrets of the trade. It all started with the purchase of machinery for making pipes from Georg Jensen's disused factory. It was precisely this purchase that allowed him to begin with his passion and create the models he had always dreamed of. So Neerup began to create his first models.

Come and discover the Jeppsen pipe on Pipeonline

Come and discover the Jeppesen products on Pipeonline and find the pipe for you. Come and explore the selection and find the solution you prefer. Trust in the quality of Jeppesen pipes, the result of craftsmanship and attention to detail. Neerup's jeppesen pipes are created with briar from Corsica, Greece or Morocco ensuring an increasingly better choice of materials.
Regarding the creation of pipes, Jeppsen is always careful to find the right proportion between stem, bowl and mouthpiece to create balanced and harmonious models.

Come and discover Jeppesen products to fully complete your passion

The Jeppesen bag is a product that testifies to the versatility of this craftsman. This is a model of pipe holder of excellent workmanship capable of preserving the quality of the pipe to the maximum. In fact, the leather models allow you to respect the materials of the pipe and prevent them from ruining or deteriorating.
In addition to the Jeppesen bag, another important symbolic product of this brand is the cleaning kit, born from the love that Neerup has for slow smoking which has allowed him to create a perfect product for the maintenance and cleaning of the pipe.