Falcon Pipe

Filtri brand

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€60.00 - €75.00

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Lenght expand_more

0 mm - 15 mm

Falcon UK: The Innovator in the World of Slow Smoking

The Falcon pipe is an unusual model that should be tried by every lover of slow smoking. Falcon UK was born in the last century and today, with 70 years of history, it represents an attempt to blend traditional craftsmanship with new technologies. The Falcon model indeed offers a different way to smoke a pipe and enjoy your favorite tobacco. It features a thin metal stem and, most notably, the ability to quickly change the bowl, allowing for rapid smoking without the need to wait for the bowl to cool down.

Discover Falcon UK Pipes for a New Pipe Smoking Experience

Discover a new way to smoke a pipe with Falcon UK technology, which provides a different smoking mode and allows you to savor the flavor of your preferred tobacco. The ability to change the pipe's bowl results in a unique smoking experience with different flavors.

Falcon UK, with its vision of the world of slow smoking, aimed to innovate by looking to the past and providing an alternative methodology.

Choose Your Preferred Torches and Bowls to Enhance Your Smoking Experience

Come and try this iconic brand on Pipeonline. Falcon pipes have been popular with the general public for over 70 years and have become collector's items, much loved by slow smokers. Over the years, Falcon technology has become so iconic that the company itself has become synonymous with technology.

Discover a collection of torches and bowls designed to maximize your smoking experience and always remain your preferred choice.