Limited Editions
Pipe Vauen Puccini Smooth - Bent Apple
- -15%
Explore limited editions of tobacco pipes and step up your collection
Discover our collection of limited editions tobacco pipes to find your next rare piece for your collection. We selected the wonderful works of skilled master craftsmen to give you the best tobacco pipes. Come and discover our selection to really find hidden gems that would be a great plus in your collection. You will find only the best pieces to really finish your collection with class and taste. Come and discover the collector pieces to really step up your tobacco pipes collection and find the best pieces suitable for you. In Pipeonline you’ll find rare tobacco pipes with certification and serial number to assure you the value of your item. Find the works of skilled artisans on Pipeonline and find rare collector’s items to really enhance the quality of your collection.
Reserve yourself the rarest tobacco pipes of the world
Come and discover our collection of limited edition pipe tobacco. Take a chance to find a rare tobacco pipe from the Alfred Dunhill limited edition version. Don’t miss the Luigi Viprati limited series to have an elegant and iconic tobacco pipe. Reserve yourself the latest collections of rare tobacco items and be in line with the latest news in the world of tobacco pipes. Tobacco pipes are works of art that deserve the attention they generate. They are an iconic smoking device that is slowly coming back into fashion among the connoisseurs. Be a part of the movement and fall in love with these beautiful and timeless works of art.